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The minute I picked up the book, I was already prospering! Regularly it sells for like $7. The price tag on the book said $3. And I bought it for $1.50…Quite the deal! Prospering already!!!

This is a very small 64 page book; yet it is packed with timeless information that will serve you the rest of your life, if you choose to let it! Normally when I read a book, I underline quotations or ideas that I love and I dog ear that page so I can remember to go back to it when I blog. I found it very difficult to underline quotations in this book because I found myself underlining almost everything! This book is packed with affirmations to help you live a prosperous life! It also has very definite instructions on how to live your life so that the result is prosperity! It is very clear and concise!

If you are like most Americans (I won’t dare speak for other countries), you probably live pay check to pay check and are over extended. You probably worry about how a bill is going to get paid, and your next paycheck is already spent before you even see the money in the bank! Are you tired of living that way? I know I am!

My best friend is a single mom with 3 children. I adore her! She totally impresses me with the way she lives her financial life! She manages to have a savings account and I never see her worrying about how she is going to pay a bill. I don’t know how much she gets paid, but I know how much WE here at this house get paid, and our story is MUCH different! I often find myself asking the question, “Why?????” Granted, the way I feel about money is ten times (maybe even more) better than it was back in 2006! I have done alot of healing around money since then. Back then, I had severe panic attacks and was constantly worried about money and stressing over money. Not so much anymore. But now it’s time to peel back another layer and make some more changes!!!!

While reading this book, none of it was new to me. I have read and/or heard these principles before. Nothing new, but as every day is a new day and we are constantly changing, sometimes even things we have heard before take on new meaning to us. Thus is the case with this book!

Here are the steps to Prosperous Thinking:
1) Create a vacuum to receive: clean out negative/old ways of thinking/beliefs that are no longer serving you. Clean out your house, garage, closets, cars of things that are cluttering your space.

2) Get definite about prosperity: “write down on paper what you feel you wnat to be, have, accomplish, and experience for the day, week, month or year….Dare to be definite about prosperity, if you want prosperity to be definite in manifesting for you.”

3) Mentally picture your good: “Psychologists declare that imagination is one of the mind’s strongest powers. the more you dare to image your desired good as a fulfilled result, and the more you dare to live your mental images, the faster the imaging power of the mind will begin producing almost magical results for you.”

4) Speaking daily affirmations: you are definite, you are imagining them, now DECLARE THEM!!! “My world is the perfect creation of divine substance. The finished results of divine substance now appear as peace, health, and plenty is my world.”

Here is a thought I loved about this: “In the beginning the world was created by definite, spoken affirmations, as God declared, ‘Let there be…’ You can and should create your world accordingly, becuase you are created in the image and likeness of God, and you, too, have the power to form substance through your definite, spoken decrees for good.”

5) Declaring prosperity yours NOW!: “Also, give yourself the thought of increased good by thinking of yourself as already looking, acting, and living as successfully adn prosperously as you truly desire to be.”

(This does not mean spend as if you have all the money you desire…this simply means to FEEL and walk as if. Be grateful for it NOW! This has been a big problem for some who have read or seen the movie The Secret..or for some who have followed James Arthur Ray who encouraged you to spend on credit cards and live as if the money was there now..when it wasn’t. I saw so many people go into bankruptcy because of this.)

The last thought in the 1st chapter of this book was on persistance….which is very important. I loved this quote:

“Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is QUIT. that is exactly what the majority of men do. More than five hundred of the most successful men this ountry has ever known told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them.”

There is so much more to this book. If I continued writing, it would be longer than the actual book itself. Since it is sooo short, I seriously recommend you purchase it yourself. It will change your life!